About Us

The Dear You Brand's mission is simple. We aim to deliver uplifting, life changing products that will affirm, inspire, motivate, and encourage.
LaVoydis Powell is a leader, author and transformational life strategist helping women thrive through their pain. In the years preceding 2015, LaVoydis experienced a series of losses. Relying on God’s strength, she began to write daily letters of affirmations to herself. It was her desire and determination to be well and free in who God called her to be. With a passion for encouraging others, she believed these nuggets might be a source of strength for others. And with that, the “Dear You’s” were born!
For over five years, LaVoydis has taken to social media and public forums offering “Dear You” affirmations and inspirations. The much awaited Dear You Brand was birthed after receiving continuous requests for daily motivational nuggets.